
Archive for November 6, 2010

Day 6: Poster art

November 6, 2010 1 comment

I’m starting to experiment now.

I really love photography. I have taken photos since I can remember. I think I was probably 6 when my dad let me start playing with his Brownie Camera. I thought it was so glamorous and sophisticated (though I don’t think I knew those words nor could I spell them). I was just playing at being a photographer, pretending. I loved the click of the shutter and winding the film.

Click, Snap, Whhhuuup.

I loved how the world, and your perspective of it, was narrowed down to what you could see through a small hole and that the image that came out of it was a mystery of light and shadow only revealed later. Magic!

Since then, I’ve always loved to see what I could make of the world through the lens of a camera. And now there are so many technological advances you can manipulate your image after you take it. I don’t necessarily like to do that, unless I’m creating something fantastical. I usually don’t even like to use fancy lights or filters when shooting. Just good old fill flash and the levers of aperture and shutter speed to control the light and shadow.

Today I’m playing with fantastical. Another grey, rainy day in Seattle. So I decided to create something that was bright, fun, sunny and would make me think of summer.

Waterlilly - original image

The original Waterlilly

I decided to try adding more saturation, more color, more intensity.

Saturated Waterlilly

A more saturated Waterlilly

Then I turned up the color, or should I say, tuned-up the color and created something not necessarily found in nature, but maybe in a poster shop. Bright, vibrant, intense…

Waterlilly Poster Art

Waterlilly Poster Art

So… I wonder which one the frog would want to sit on…

Have a favorite? Would love to hear what you think.

Day 5: Accidental art

November 6, 2010 Leave a comment

You’ll notice that I haven’t posted anything for Day 5.

I came home after a long day of working with clients and a really fun evening of bookclub, with some lovely folks, to discover that my sweet dog Ruby had decided to create some “art” of her own.

My creative and curious Beagldor (Beagle + Labrador) had gotten into the bathroom. She made use of the tools and supplies available to her:

  • toilet paper,
  • plastic bags,
  • q-tips,
  • cotton balls, and
  • whatever else was fun sounding (crunchy).

She then made a grouping of three piles slightly connected that started in the bathroom, trailed out into the hallway, and into the kitchen.

I was so surprised by her “art” that I just didn’t have it in me to be mad that she had decided to use the floor, not the table, and she had left it for me to clean it up see. Plus it was way too late to reprimand her and tell her this was against the rules. She had already done it.

So instead, I just sighed, let her out to the backyard, cleaned up the “art” and went to bed.


Ruby, my happy artist

More art tomorrow, when I don’t have to clean up after her…

For now, my art is the photograph and proofdogs do smile. At least mine does. 🙂